понедельник, 04 апреля 2011
Очередное музыкальное творчество фанатов посвящено Андерсу. В юморе автору не откажешь ))
Mo - My Boyfriend is the Revolution by amixia текст песни
My boyfriend is the revolution
My renegade mage, he wears feathered pauldrons
I don't need pirates, princes or a blood mage
'Cause with him by my side, we'll beat the final stage
Some girls have a thing for dark and moody
But I'm a sucker for a kitten-lover, brooding
It doesn't matter if you think he's crazy
Running for the wilds, gonna have his babies
We're heading out to where no one can find us
Raise a little family with kittens in silence
Say what you want, call him an Abomination if you will
But I won't let the Man make him a Tranquil
My boyfriend is a revolutionary
My renegade mage, he wears Tevinter jewelry
I don't need guard captains or slaves
'Cause with him by my side, we'll beat the final stage
He's always working, helping people at his clinic
He's the kind of refugee that people want to mimic
I'm falling hard, following my mother's footsteps
Those Ferelden Apostates, they leave me with no regrets
Okay, yes, so he killed the Grand Cleric
But revolutions don't start through good will and some merit
My man glows with a vengeful fury
And those Templars won't give him the right to a speedy and public trial by jury
My boyfriend is the revolution
My renegade mage, my ex-warden absolution
Don't think for one second that I'd leave him
Our love is stronger than the might of the Legion
My boyfriend is the revolution
My renegade mage, won't trust the Tranquil Solution
You might think that's he's going crazy
But I know I can trust my terrorist baby
Dragon Age,
А вообще с ритмом там серьезные проблемы
Пару дней назад как раз прошла DA2, и пока еще под постоянно меняющимся впечатлением от Андерса. И все-таки, все его промахи можно простить из-за одной сцены с поцелуем в клоаке (звучит-то как романтично), эх, какой мужчина... И фиг с ним, что крыша потихоньку едет)
Он и правда очаровательный террорист... *мечтательно возводит глаза*
А про ритм - это ерунда. Поется очень вдохновенно, будто с ритмом так и надо.
в цитатник, да-да))