Очередное музыкальное творчество от gembat. На сей раз она перепела песню Мадонны на сюжет ДА:О.
Ferelden Pie by gembat текст на английском
A long, long time ago, I can still remember
When his armor used to freakin’ shine
And I met him at Ostagar
Before we picked up battle scars
King Cailan welcomed me, I fell in line
But Loghain pulled his men away
And Duncan fell that fateful day
The King was crushed and broken
The Darkspawn horde had spoken
And Alistair, he up and cried
As we thought about the king’s widowed bride
We knew only Wardens could turn the tide
The day King Cailan died
So bye-bye Mister Glorious Guy
Had your army at the ready, but the darkspawn were nigh
Loghain turned to Cauthrien and signaled “goodbye”
Saying, “We will leave the Wardens to die.
We will leave the Wardens to die.”
So Leliana, are you nuts?
Or are you following your guts
Though the Chantry tells you no?
Will Sten play a vital role?
Can ashes save your mortal soul?
And can you tell me all the tales you know?
Well, I know that he is falling, too,
‘Cause he’s saved a flower just for you—
You’ve dreamed archdemon dreams
You’re hoarding potions and creams
We found a swamp witch called Morrigan
A dog named Dog with a lop-sided grin
I met a nice mage whose name was Wynne
The day King Cailan died.
Now for months we fight against the Blight
And battle darkspawn with all our might
Collecting all of our treaties.
When an assassin came for all our heads,
We got him to join with us instead
And found out he was kind of a sleaze
Oh, Harrowmont and Bhelen fought,
Their city torn apart for naught—
The Deep Roads held the clues,
Wardens had it all to lose.
And while Orzammar was torn apart,
The Wardens drew up political charts
And Oghren nursed his broken heart
Because King Cailan died
We met a warden who was stuck in jail
We let him out, but he just bailed
So we left and killed Arl Howe ourselves
Alistair and I were so in love
I thank the blessed Maker up above
I’m not a mage, a dwarf, or an elf
And Teagan kept Redcliffe alive
While Eamon laid near death inside.
Andraste’s ashes worked—
But the archdemon still lurked.
After the Landsmeet met in Denerim
We led an assault on Fort Drakon
Our armies were spread so very thin
Because King Cailan died.
Dragon Age,
а вообще неплохо.
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